Cortex Primer

Every Friday at 10:00pm (PST) on KBVR Corvallis 88.7FM

Cortex Primer: 005

June 05, 2020 — Hugh Manoid

Hey, what does a tiger, a jacuzzi, and a 3-hole punch have in common? Not much really, but Cortex Primer is on tonight and there will be music so who cares.


  1. Jun Chikuma - Shop (Edit)
  2. MGMT - She Works Out Too Much
  3. Mitch Murder - Frantic Aerobics
  4. James Asher - Scratch City
  5. Andy Clark - Workout
  6. SSDS - Roger Moore
  7. Tangerine Dream - Thru Metamorphic Rock (Edit)
  8. Thriftwicker Audio Society - Lift
  9. Ulrich Schnauss - Stars
  10. Rush - Countdown
  11. Daft Punk - Contact
  12. Louis And Bebe Barron - Main Title From Forbidden Planet

Tags: Episode, radio